Refunds & Returns
I offer a 7-day return policy for work within the UK only.
You may return the painting within 7 days of purchase, no questions asked, provided that the artwork is in its original condition.
Once a return has been agreed, you are responsible for packing and arranging the return delivery using the same service it was sent to you.
Once the piece has been safely returned I will refund your payment within 14 days.
Terms & Conditions
All copyright is retained by the artist, Hazel Battersby. Artwork must not be resold or reproduced without the artist’s written permission.
Every care has been taken to show the work as accurately as possible with regard to size and colour. The image you see may be different due to slight variation between browsers, devices and screen settings. Any variation between the image represented and the actual artwork is not deemed a fault and such inconsistencies will not be a valid reason for return.
Security of Data: We will take all reasonable care, in do far as it is in our power to do so, to keep the details of your order and payment secure. We use a secure external payment process. In the absence of negligence on our part we cannot be held liable for any loss you may suffer if a third party procures unauthorised access to any data you provide when ordering from the website.
I reserve the right to:
Modify or withdraw, temporarily or permanently, this website (or any part thereof) with or without notice to you; you confirm that we shall not be liable to you or any third party for any modification to or withdrawal of the website.
Change these conditions from time to time; your continued use of the website (or any part thereof) following such change shall be deemed to be your acceptance of such change. It is your responsibility to check to determine whether the conditions have been changed.
Any order placed through the website is not binding until the work has been despatched. Artwork listed may be withdrawn from sale at any point by the artist for reasons such as, but not limited to, sale elsewhere or withheld for exhibition display.